On Sunday, July 20, 1969 a spectacular event took place — Apollo 11 landed on the moon! The first man from this earth, Neil Armstrong, stepped out of the spacecraft and placed his foot on the moon and spoke these words, “A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.”

Now, let’s turn back the pages two thousand years ago to a more spectacular event that eclipsed time when the man from outer space, Jesus Christ, stepped upon this earth. The angels declared His birth to the shepherds and to the world with this announcement, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And Suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and declaring, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’”


Let’s consider these two declarations: “Glory to God”, spoken by the angels on the arrival of Christ to this earth, and “One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind”, spoken by Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon. These statements speak a message for this great hour in the Revival Fires International ministry outreaches!


I am excited about the purposes for which Revival Fires International was established 38 years ago! There was excitement when the astronauts walked on the moon, but I am thoroughly convinced that what God is accomplishing through Revival Fires is more important than getting a man on the moon, and I can assure you, a lot less expensive! The statement made by the astronaut was one that reflected cooperative efforts, combined talents, and the energies of many people for many years to make possible that landing. We are mindful that the work that God is doing through Revival Fires International across America and around the world is a direct result of the leading of His precious Holy Spirit! With the vitally important ministry outreaches of Revival Fires International we are taking a small step that is a part of our giant leap to bring glory to God. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior may this be driven home to us today.


The angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest”. That announcement brought glory to God because it announced the birth of His Son upon this earth, the man from outer space who came to walk among us. “The word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:18). Today, we as Christians are dedicated to the same task that brought our Savior from heaven to this earth as the only Savior for sinners. Glory is brought to God each time someone accepts His Son as their personal Savior! The only business important enough to bring our Savior all the way from heaven to this earth was “to seek and to save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10).

Only God could do what has been done in the 38 years of this ministry. We, with our hands of flesh and lips of clay, could not do this. It took the guiding hand of our Heavenly Father through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. As the president and director of Revival Fires I am in a position to know this more than anyone else. How wonderful it has been to watch Him open closed doors before us to bring glory to His name.


Our weekly, national Revival Fires Radio outreach began three years ago on ONE local News Talk station in Monroe, LA. Today, our radio ministry has grown to more than 200 stations across America, coast to coast and border to border, even into Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands, with a listening audience of more than 10.5 MILLION! Glory to God! The Revival Fires Radio broadcast is enabling us to share the unadulterated message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with millions every week.

Glory to God, our weekly Revival Fires Radio program also beams into prisons and juvenile delinquent centers all over America! We receive thousands of testimonies from inmates giving their life to Jesus! We also receive requests for thousands of Truth for Youth Bibles from prison chaplains and inmates on a regular basis, and we never say no to anyone!

We give glory to God for the open door of evangelism as we continue to give Bibles to our troops around the Globe defending America’s freedom. As many of you know, Revival Fires has already given away more than 300,000 Bibles to our brave U. S. Soldiers. GLORY TO GOD!!! God is using this military Bible to help our U. S. troops come to Christ, grow in the Lord and receiving healing and deliverance for PTSD, anxiety, stress and depression.

We give glory to God for the open door of evangelism as we continue to give Truth for Youth (TFY) Bibles to Christian teenagers that give them to their friends in school that don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We have already given more than 3 million TFY Bibles and received more than 25,000 decision coupons or emails from precious young people that have given their heart to the Lord for the very first time! When we receive a decision card, we connect these youth to a local Bible believing church in their community to be discipled. We also now have a TFY app that God is using to reach thousands of young people! GLORY TO GOD!!!

We give glory to God for the open door of evangelism as we continue to give thousands of Spanish TFY Bibles to unaccompanied youth coming into America at the South Texas border. We are so thankful that the Lord has opened up the door for me to be able to go into the facilities and share the Gospel with young people coming into the United States from Central America. When we give an invitation the majority of these youth, ages 12-18, give their life to Jesus! GLORY TO GOD!!! In the past two and a half years we have been able to give away more than 150,000 TFY and we are just getting started!


We give glory to God for the open door of evangelism as we continue to give thousands of Bibles away in Cuba to people that have never had a Bible. Amazingly, we print the Bibles in Communist China and ship them to Communist Cuba to be distributed by congregations that are on fire for God! Over ONE MILLION Bibles have already been given to the precious people of Cuba that have never had a Bible! GLORY TO GOD!!!

We give glory to God for the continued opportunities to preach revival services and evangelistic crusades across America and around the world! God is pouring out His Holy Spirit in a fresh way! We are witnessing a massive amount of people in each service that are getting saved, filled with the Spirit, healed, delivered and set on fire for God! GLORY TO GOD!!!

We give glory to God for His financial provision. God has provided the necessary funds for every Revival Fires Radio broadcast and Bible we have given away to our U. S. Soldiers, America’s young people, unaccompanied minors at the South Texas border, youth and adults in America’s prisons and juvenile centers and the precious people of Cuba. In the past 38 years with God’s help and with your help, we have paid for and GIVEN AWAY more than 7 MILLION Bibles!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!

Revival Fires International is a ministry of faith that is totally dependent on God speaking to the hearts of His people! For 38 years of ministry, we have been totally reliant on God to provide the necessary funds for what He is accomplishing through this vitally important ministry. We have never borrowed a penny to pay for anything that God is accomplishing through Revival Fires! We have always operated with the belief that if God leads, He will provide the funds.

Now consider with me the declaration made by Neil Armstrong when he walked on the moon. The first words he spoke when he stepped upon the moon were “A small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind”. What we are doing here through Revival Fires International is a small step toward our giant leap. That giant leap is to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the whole wide world in this generation.

Our final goal is not to preach to 10.5 million people on the radio, though our nation needs a strong Gospel message of repentance and revival! Our goal is not to provide 300,000 Bibles for our U. S. troops, though all of America’s military need a Bible! Our goal is not to give 3 million TFY Bibles to America’s youth, though all 53.8 million of the youth in America’s public schools need a Bible! Our goal is not to give 150,000 TFY Bibles to unaccompanied young people at the border, or provide Bibles for our prisons or millions of Bibles to the people of Cuba! Our goal is not to preach revival services or evangelistic crusades! None of these vitally important things are our goals!

Our final goal is to preach the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world and prepare the world for His soon return! Those who will accept the Christ we proclaim as their Savior will bring glory to God and the result will be a part of the giant leap toward our goals of telling the whole world about Jesus!

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)

What God has accomplished through Revival Fires International over the past 38 years is just a small step, and I emphasize, a small step toward the giant leap of utilizing the tools and ministry opportunities available to us, as a launching pad to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prepare people for eternity.
We will use everything we can get our hands on to tell people about Jesus Christ — every tool, every person and every means of communication that has been given to us in this golden and unprecedented hour. May we see America and this world the way God sees it — lost in sin and headed for hell in need of the only Savior…JESUS!!! We have dedicated ourselves, our talents, our energies, the finances from the financial partners of Revival Fires International, to the purpose for which this ministry was founded…to preach the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and prepare the world for His soon return!!!

I am reminded of the words of Abraham Lincoln that have become almost immortal, which were spoken as the famous Gettysburg Address and I believe are applicable today. Lincoln said, “The world will little remember or long take note of what we do here today, but they will long remember the cause and the purpose for which these for whom we honor have given their lives. It is rather that we should dedicate and consecrate ourselves to the task for which they died.”


That, my friend, is why this ministry exists and why I preach the Gospel and why I give Bibles to people that have never had a Bible. We dedicate ourselves anew to the task for which this ministry exists. The fields are white unto the harvest. I invite you, our ministry partners, friends and supporters of this ministry who have stood with us through the years, many of you since its beginning, others of you who are new friends and partners, to lift your eyes and see the many homes, hearts and lives of people waiting to hear the message of Jesus Christ.

May we also see beyond this world into the next when we shall join hands around the great white throne and there, because of our combined cooperative efforts, we shall look into the faces of many people who will be in heaven because of our labors for Christ. They would have never heard or obeyed the Gospel had we not taken it to them. In this golden hour may we dedicate ourselves to the purposes for which Christ came to our world. Then, truly our efforts will bring glory to whom glory is due — GLORY TO GOD! Have a wonderful and blessed, Merry Christmas!!!

Right now, we have more than 40,000 soldiers defending America’s freedom in the Middle East. As Hamas has viciously come against Israel, Iranian proxies have recently attacked U. S. Military bases in Iraq and Syria at least 70 times.

Our U. S. Soldiers are in harm’s way and they need Bibles! As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, will you help us provide Bibles for our U. S. military hero’s stationed in the Middle East, in need of God’s Word?

The Bibles cost Revival Fires only $5 each and come packaged 20 Bibles to a case. Will you prayerfully consider helping us give Bibles to our U. S. Soldiers that are putting their life on the line to defend Israel and our freedoms in America?

Thank you for helping us give a copy of the weapon of God’s Word to our U. S. Troops stationed in the Middle East this Christmas season.

For a $100 a month or more partnership to help us take the Gospel around the world…receive the Spirit of Israel Bible, a powerful new resource prepared to help you understand the prophetic and spiritual links  between America and Israel and the connection between Christianity and ancient Biblical traditions.
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